Ei varmaan löydy kovinkaan montaa ihmistä, joka ei olisi kuullut Malagan traagisista tapahtumista. Onnettomuuden pienin uhri oli 6-vuotias kangasalalaistyttö, Katja. Kun työkaverimme kanssa kuulimme Katja ja Katjan isän nimen, emme voineet uskoa että tragedia tuli näinkin liki. Kumpikaan meistä ei voi sanoa että tuntisimme Katjan isän, mutta kumpikin tietää hänet, on keskustellut puhelimessa hänen kanssaan ja ollut jonkun kerran yhtäaikaa kahvitauolla samassa paikassa. Kummallekin meistä oli silti selvää että haluamme osoittaa välittävämme ja haluamme osoittaa syvimmät surunvalittelut kaikille Katja omaisille. Katjan isä ajaa ammatikseen invataksia. Eli hän joutuu päivittäin miettimään turvallisuutta liikenteessä ja kohtaamaan myös itse vaarat joita liikenne tuo.
Katja oli vain kaksi kuukautta vanhempi kuin Poju...
En halunnut tehdä kortista synkän mustaa, onhan kyseessä kuitenkin lapsi ja Suurlähettiläät on sen hyvin sanoneet "Vaikka ilta on kirkas, on mieleni pilvinen ja mulle kaikki on mustaa, sua koko ajan ajattelen ja kaipaan lohdutusta". Tein kortin ISMAKIn tämän viikkoisen haasteen pohjalta ja samalla haluan esittää haasteen kaikille blogaajille:  


Otathan haasteen vastaan?

There can´t be many people who dont know about bus crash that happened in Malaga, Spain last week. Youngest victim was 6 y/o Katja. When my co-worker and me heard the name of her father we couldn´t believe it. We do know him, not very closely but we have both been spoken in a phone with him and we have been also in coffee break with him few times. It was clear to us that we wanted to show somehow that we care and give our deepest sympathys to Katjas´s family. Katja´s father drives cab that can also take wheelchairs in, so he has to think traffic safety daily.
Katja was just 2 months older than my son...
I didn´t want to make card with dark colors, she was a child and " althought the evening is bright, there is clouds in side of me and my mind is black, I think of you all the time and need some comfortation". I made this card with ISMAKI sketch and at the same time I have a challenge for all of you:

             DON`T DRINK AND DRIVE!

Can you take the challenge?




Tämä lukee kortin sisällä:

Taatusti hän kuulee.
Hän katselee sinua varmasti kaiken aikaa.
Ehkä hän on nyt onnellinen,
ehkä joidenkuiden ei ole tarkoituskaan
jäädä meidän elämäämme pysyvästi.
Ehkä jotkut ovat vain ohikulkijoita,
vain läpikulkumatkalla.

Ehkä he täyttävät tehtävänsä nopeammin kuin muut.
Heidän ei tarvitse vitkutella täällä sataa vuotta
saadakseen kaiken kuntoon.
He hoitavat hommansa tosi nopeasti jotkut.
Jotkut vain ikään kuin käväisevät
elämässämme antamassa meille jotakin,
tuovat lahjan tai opettavat meille jotakin tärkeää,
ja se on heidän tehtävänsä meidän elämässämme.
Hän opetti sinulle varmasti jotakin.

Ehkä hän opetti sinua rakastamaan,
antamaan ja välittämään.
Se oli hänen lahjansa sinulle.
Hän opetti sinulle paljon,
ja sitten hän lähti.

Ehkä hänen ei yksinkertaisesti tarvinnut viipyä pitempään.
Hän antoi sinulle lahjansa ja oli sitten vapaa jatkamaan matkaa,
mutta häneltä saamasi lahjan
sinä saat pitää ikuisesti.
(kirjasta Lahja, Danielle Steel)

Government delegate confirms that a drunk car driver was involved in the Benalmadena coach crash in which nine Finnish tourists lost their lives
By h.b. - Apr 20, 2008 - 9:45 AM

Nine people died, one of them a seven year old girl, and 22 more have been seriously injured in a coach crash on the A7 Benalmádena bypass on Saturday evening. It happened at 1950 at the 224 km point above Arroyo de la Miel, when the coach, carrying a group of 47 Finnish tourists, driver and co-driver, came into a side contact with a KIA four wheel drive vehicle.

It is a very fast downhill stretch of road and it had been raining in the area for most of the day. Eyewitnesses said the four by four tried to overtake the coach on the inside, and hit the side crash barrier when doing so. He rebounded from there to hit the bus side on which led to the bus driver losing control with the bus ending up overturned moving down the central reservation until coming to a standstill. It's understood that one of the uprights on the central reservation crash barriers sliced right through the overturned coach.

The driver of the four wheel drive vehicle tested 0.50 milligrams of alcohol in his breath, double the legal maximum and is being blamed for the accident. This was confirmed by the Government Sub Delegate for the province, Hilario López Luna, who also said the KIA driver has been arrested. He is a 27 year old man from Málaga and is now in the Clínico hospital with slight injuries. His father was with him in the vehicle and he was also only slightly hurt.

The 47 tourists, driver, and two TUI guides, were all then trapped inside the wreckage of the bus, and despite the efforts of other drivers who witnessed the accident, had to wait some two hours before the emergency workers could gain access by cutting a hole in the roof of the vehicle. Later heavy lifting gear was brought in to right the vehicle. The coach driver and the guides are among the injured.

The bus driver has been named as 53 year old José Jiménez. His daughter told the Diario Sur newspaper that only that morning he had been talking to the family about the responsibility of transporting so many people. His wife and children spoke of his 'professionalism and prudence' at the wheel.

The Andalucian Health Service set up a mobile hospital at the scene, where a number of the passengers were attended to as soon as possible. The injured were then taken to different hospitals in the province – One youngster is in the Materno Infantil Hosptial where another woman has been admitted to the gynaecological ward, five injured are in the Carlos Haya hospital in Málaga, one of whom is said to be in a critical condition, five more were taken to the Costa del Sol hospital in Marbella and the rest, some seven to the Civil Hospital in Málaga. Other people were attended to in health centres in both Benalmádena and Torremolinos.

The tourists were on their way back to Málaga airport from Marbella at the end of their holiday on the Costa del Sol. The coach was from the Tui España company, and had left from Marbella, picking up tourists en route in their return to the airport.
